Monday, July 8, 2013


Soldier demonstrating gun safety by keeping th...
I have been around weapons my whole life, My father was a Marine and loved weapons "go figure" Of course I followed suite and developed a passion for weapons as well.I then joined the Marine's getting to play with all kinds of cool weapons such as the M4 Carbine,M249 SAW(PARA),M110 SASS and of course the M82A3 SASR as well.
During my time in the Marine Corp and working as a private military contractor I have had a lot of firearms training with some excellent instructors ,Therefore having spent all my life around weapons I have learned to treat my weapons with a form of respect because I know the devastating effects that they can have while other people are untrained or are just being clueless and do some very dumb shit that can result in some very serious injuries or fatalities from people not treating their weapon with respect.
I have talked to a lot of people and professionals who own and carry firearms and came up with a top ten list of bad habits that can kill you.
If you clean your weapon with a box of ammunition right in front  you,you're asking for trouble. Just keep in mind that each and every time you clean your firearm you need to have your ammunition in a second room or locked in a gun safe.
I have traveled around a bit in my career and you would be surprised by the number of people who think it's a good time hanging out with a beer in one hand and a weapon in the other.I think its pretty irresponsible  and you're only asking for an accident to happen. If your going to drink with weapons around have the self-discipline not to handle or shoot a weapon.
If you discipline your self and always follow these four weapon safety rules. You'll never have to worry about an accidental shooting.  But if you break any of these rules, It 's a guarantee you are going to have a firearms accident.
1,Always treat weapon's as  if they are always loaded
2.Never point your weapon at anything you are not going to destroy
3.Keep your finger off the trigger until you sight your target.
4.Be sure of your target, Be aware of whats around your target and beyond it.
If you're in the habit of dry firing your weapon, your ammunition need's to be stored and locked away just as when you are cleaning your weapon.I dry-fire my weapon all the time and I like using  the Laserlyte Laser Trainer .45 ACP Cartridge which works like a dummy cartridge, with an internal red laser that is activated when the firing pin strikes the "primer" with my LaserLyte Laser Trainer Target allowing me to practice drawing from concealment and engaging targets without leaving home.
LaserLyte cartridges are available in:
Laserlyte Laser Trainer 9-mm Cartridge
Laserlyte Laser Trainer .45 ACP Cartridge
Laserlyte Laser Trainer 40 S and W Cartridge
I Know that cleaning your gun is boring and about as much fun as going to get a root canal.But if you carry a gun for duty or personal defense and you want that weapon to save your life someday-It needs to operate.Because a weapon that you haven't cleaned it for 9,000 rounds, probably wont do you any good in a gunfight. Personally I like to clean my weapon at least every 500 rounds,But at least get in the habit of cleaning it every time you take a trip to the range.
I have seen guys I know go to the range wearing a 5.11 Tactical S/S Holster Shirt, Black, Large or a Uncle Mike's Law Enforcement Kydex Tactical Drop-Leg Holster Platform with Double Strap when in real life that person always carries concealed  or someone wearing a Voodoo Tactical Deluxe Universal Vest / Tactical Vest 20-7210 Woodland Camo when i know they wear Gould & Goodrich 804-G17 Gold Line Shoulder Holster (Chestnut Brown) Fits GLOCK 17, 19, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35, 39.If you train like that then you are developing very poor training habits that may cost you your life.Because in a gun fight you don't have time to waste reaching for a magazine that isn't there.The best habit is to train how you carry.
I personally always carry one in the chamber but i have spoken to people who think it's a bad idea, they say it's dangerous to carry a loaded gun. If you feel that way then you probably shouldn't be carrying a gun at all. Because carrying a loaded gun is only dangerous if you don't follow the four cardinal safety rules. What these people fail to realize is that an attacker can close 30 feet in 2.5 seconds while you just chambered a round and they will most likely have a loaded weapon, So your weapon should be too.
A good friend of mine was on vacation when his wife was assaulted at the gas pump  by two knife wielding idiots.He came out of the gas station a pulled his concealed firearm scaring the two idiots.They took of running and didn't harm his wife or anybody else that night because he was carrying concealed.If my buddy Dave would have left his weapon at home the story could have gone another way, So next time you even think about leaving your weapon at home, Just remind your self today could be the day I'LL need it.
It doesn't matter how you carry a gun,It just needs to be in a holster at all time, and the holster  must cover the trigger guard.
If you carry a weapon without a holster, then I want you to think about this story:

Man accidentally shoots himself in the leg while bowling

The bowler went to swing the baPreview postll, hit his leg and somehow fired the gun, Florida police say.

If you're the type of person that I always see walking around listing to their Ipod or talking or texting on the latest smartphone,then your making your self an easy target.Nobody wants to be in a gun fight,get assaulted or robbed so if your paying attention to your surroundings,you will have a better chance of not being in a gun fight or getting assaulted or robbed.I urge you to really develop your skills of situational awareness & stay alert in your everyday lives so you don't wind up in the headlines like this lady

Woman drops purse in Starbucks, accidentally shoots friend with handgun

Florida woman Pamela Beck forgot she had a handgun in her purse when she dropped it on the ground, firing a bullet into her friend Amie Peterson's leg at the Tyrone Square Mall coffee shop, St. Petersburg police say.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 7:45 AM
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