Monday, November 25, 2013


    A majority of people are under the notion that a gun is the ultimate solution in a defensive situation where they are being assaulted. In most cases using the gun response is going to be the wrong response. Let’s look at the big picture and realize that not every self-defense situation is going to warrant the use of a firearm, and in many circumstances carrying a firearm is prohibited and could possibly leave you wide open for criminal or civil penalties and in a split second lighting attack on the street or out on the town where split seconds count, drawing your firearm may not be your best bet and by doing so could even get you killed.
Of all the available weapons you might posses; the most effective one is your brain. No matter what type of defense weapon you use, you have to be able to think tactically in a defensive situation so let’s tap into your brain and break down your defensive options and take a look at blasting back at your attacker empty handed or using improvised weapons such as: Pepper Spray, Tactical Pens, Tactical Flashlights and even Canes.

1. EMPTY HANDED: Not every situation will require you to use a firearm, if you are out on the town anything can happen and if somebody decides they want to accost you, you are going to need the ability to respond with the appropriate level of force.
    To respond properly you must be trained, and you need to choose self defense training that works for you. With over 2000 years of knowledge, United Studios of Self Defense has a program to fit your needs while teaching you the skills you will need to be confident. With confidence, you will be able to apply your skills instantly and reflexively if you ever need to defend yourself if you are assaulted.

If you decide to carry an improvised weapon such as pepper spray or a Kubaton. Your training should also integrate with your weapon-based skills, where you are able to employ common body Mechanics and develop the skills to fight your way to weapon deployment.

2. TACTICAL PEN: Tactical pens are low profile and extremely potent as a personal defense tool. The tactical pen is more resilient than flesh and bone and will greatly increase the effectiveness of your strikes and transform a simple hammer-fist strike into a bone-breaking focused impact, giving you the critical edge in a defensive situation. There are many tactical pens on the market today, you should find one that is large enough to firmly grasp in your hand, textured to prevent it from slipping when it impacts your attackers skull and devoid of any sharp edges or angles that could cause you injury when you hammer-fist your assailant.

3. PEPPER SPRAY: Your best friend in a defense situation is going to be distance. You want a weapon that will allow you to address the threat from a distance so you can have the tactical advantage. Pepper spray is a good choice because it’s legal to carry in most jurisdictions. Exposure to it will cause watering of the eyes, coughing, choking and a severe burning sensation. (Be careful when you spray your attacker that the wind does not blow it back in your face). However pepper spray or OC is not a 100 percent guaranteed solution. Some people will not be as affected by it. Just keep in mind that Pepper Spray is a tool to maximize your chances of success and needs to be integrated into your tactics and skills.
    Depending on the style and size of your pepper spray it could also used as an impact weapon with your tactical pen/flash light skill set. There are sprays that that are a kubaton-style for this exact reason. If your pepper spray is too small to strike with- or you don’t want to engage an attacker that you just blasted -you could then target the attacker’s knees, shins and ankles to create mobility kill. Kicks to the groin, if you are able to get them in are also a viable option. Keep in mind that thee more versatile and adaptable you are, the better your chances of not being assaulted, not to mention you’ll be much safer.

4. LIGHT ‘EM UP:  A high quality tactical flashlight such as the NEBO Redline Select 5620 310 Lumen LED Tactical Flashlight with Smith & Wesson LED Clip Light will offer you the same skull crushing potential of a tactical pen and much more. A tactical flashlight primary purpose is to emit light, you can use it to search and identify a potential threat before it happens while sending the message that you are prepared, to any would be attackers who are sizing you up. If you can’t avoid trouble, your tactical Flash light will serve as a force multiplier, enabling you the ability to temporarily blind an attacker before they get to close.
If you are in a low light situation your attacker will be adapted to the diminished light and when you shine a sudden blast of intense illumination in the attackers face, you are harnessing the maximum power of this flashlight with 220 lumens of blinding bright light. (NOTE: Anything above 50 lumens within a 10 yard distance may cause temporary blindness when viewed directly). you can temporarily destroy their vision giving you the critical edge in the defensive situation where you can either escape or deliver a bone-crushing blow while the attacker is in a defenseless state. Just remember that you need to develop these skills to effectively use your tactical flashlight. Just like all the other weapons you must integrate your tactics into a comprehensive, systematic approach that is consistent with the mechanics of you unarmed tactics

5. CANE AND WALKING STICKS: If you are using a cane or walking stick, you already have a weapon in hand and if you wield it properly you can deliver devastating, fight stopping strikes from a distance that most likely keep you safely away from your attacker’s weapon. Reality is that many instructors will approach the cane like a martial arts weapon trying to teach you a set of highly sophisticated set of skills that will not do you any good if you actually need your cane for balance and mobility. You must develop tactics that work with your physique and within the limits of your physical limitations. Your goal is to achieve stopping power to create an opportunity to escape. The most practical way to achieve this is to use two handed, bayonet-style thrust to center-line targets such as your attackers groin, solar plexus, sternum, throat, and face along with powerful, hard to block strikes to the assailants knees and shins. These strikes are very painful and can easily shatter your attackers bones, killing your attacker’s mobility to give you the critical edge to either safely escape or once again deliver a few more bone crushing strikes to finish the job.
    Just like the tactical pen, your cane should possess all of the features of a formidable weapon. You don’t want your cane to appear weaponized, although some design features such as grooves, notches and pointed crooks, will enhance the combat effectiveness of your cane, but you must keep in mind that any such enhancements could possibly make it impossible for you to carry your cane in restricted environments. So if you do want a weaponized cane you should have a really cool story to justify you carrying the stick of death and be able to tell it convincingly.

Everyday we take for granted the water that flows from our faucets on demand when we turn a knob, But what happens when the water stops flowing or becomes contaminated?
What happens when there is a major disaster or a serious crisis, your power and utilities are out, and you can not leave to a safer area? Whether it is a natural disaster or an apocalyptic scenario, there is one thing that is certain: Water will be more precious than gold, becoming a very scarce and expensive must have item that is necessary to survive. Water is an essential element to survival and a necessary item in your emergency supply kit. Following a disaster, clean drinking water may not be available. Your regular water source could be cut-off or compromised through contamination. Prepare yourself by building a supply of water that will meet your family’s needs during an emergency.  To supplement your supply of water, we recommend you include a waterBOB® to help supplement your water supply. At the first sign of trouble, unfold your WaterBOB in your bathtub and fill it up. The waterBOB®  has a maximum capacity of 100 gallons of water, that should be enough water for you and your family to drink, cook, clean and keep the toilets flushing for two to three weeks,  which should be enough time for the utilities to be restored or for you and your family to be evacuated.
    Now a few of you might be thinking, why would I need to purchase a waterBOB® when I could just plug my bathtub up and fill it? We’ll, I’m going to inform you that exposed water is useless water. You need your water to be contained as much as possible. For example, if you filled your tub up with water before a hurricane and a portion of your roof or wall gets ripped off, it’s almost a gaurantee that your water will be contaminated with debris. The waterBOB® is constructed of heavy duty plastic that is FDA compliant for food storage that will protect your water from dust, mold, bacteria, soap scum, bugs and animals. In addition you won’t have to worry about small children accidentally falling in and drowning.
    The waterBOB® is very simple to use. Just follow the instructions and you will have plenty of water that you are able to transfer into more portable containers. Since the waterBOB®  does not have a filtration system, your water is only going to be as clean as it was when it flows from your bathtub spout. Never wait in line again to buy expensive bottled water! Be prepared with the waterBOB®. To keep the water fresh, cover the waterBOB® with towels and close any window treatments to prevent direct sunlight. When fresh water is no longer needed, slit the side of the liner and drain the remaining water. The bladder should be disposed and recycled.

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